[Gocamino] Maria's Way - winning documentary

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 01:02:34 PDT 2010

"Maria's Way" about Felisa's daughter, Maria Medel, won a Scottish Bafta
award - best student documentary. Lets hope it becomes available to the
public so that we can buy a copy.

http://www.slantmagazine.com/house/2010 ...

Maria's Way, by Edinburgh College of Art student Anne Milne, is a bright and
engaging high-definition video visit with the eponymous elderly woman, who
everyday sits alongside the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela in
Spain. In watching her sell artifacts and passbook stamps (more often she is
dozing or grousing about the many passersby who have little to no use for
her roadside stall), the documentary short puts quiet observation ahead of a
hard, clearly defined explanation of Maria's effort, far larger in faith
than a return on physical toil. While a low-arching story does, in the end,
play out (give an approving nod to the up-and-coming Milne's promise and
skill as a documentarian), the director's trust that viewers will see that
the short story provides an elegant endorsement of artistic patience.

In 2007 I gave Maria a little Brag Book with photographs of her mother,
Felisa, sent to me after an appeal for photos via the camino forums. She was
so shocked to see the photograph of her mother on the cover that she dropped
the book!  Then she started crying, kissing the photograph and saying "Mi
Madre - Mi Madre!" She became very emotional when I told her that pilgrims
from all over the world had sent the photos to me to give to her.


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