[Gocamino] - Ultreya Matajudios????

Grant Spangler gaspangler at hotmail.com
Wed May 6 10:01:38 PDT 2009

You're dead on. Matamoros (aka Santiago) and Matajudios (aka Españolos) are just what they seem. The Moors were actually given more slack than the Jews in leaving Spain. 1492 was the year we recall from grade school as the year 'Columbus sailed the ocean blue'. It was also the year of expatriation of all non-Christian-types from Iberia. One year in Madrid I met a woman whose ancestors were Spanish, and she was Israeli. She felt a strong sense of cultural belonging in Spain, and clued me into some great Nuevo Flamenco music. On the other side of the expats, the 03-11 Madrid train bombings were payback time. Some folks just never forget. Spain has a beautiful and violent history. Part of the fabric we become a part of on the Camino de Santiago.
Que andas en paz Peregrino,

Grant Spangler
GASpangler at hotmail.com

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