[Gocamino] Pioneer the Abrahams Path

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 10:39:32 PDT 2008

Would anyone care to apply to be part of the opening of the Abraham Path by
joining an amazing group of W.K. Kellogg Foundation Fellows (mostly women)
on a historic journey through Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Israel.
The trip departs in five weeks (April 24 - May 9), so time is short. If you
are interested (or know someone who might be interested) – please contact
Josh Weiss at jweiss at law.harvard.edu . He can also be reached at
(413) 348-8758.

A couple of the Kellogg Fellows had to cancel last minute, opening a few
participant places on the trip (which is limited to 16 persons).

This trip is for trail-blazers. People who possess a spirit of adventure and
a desire to contribute to cross-cultural understanding and community
development. Most of the trip will be traveled by a small bus, with short
walks to get out on the land and meet people. Ms. Gail Simmons is our trip
leader from Oxford England, and she is a veteran of the region. Highlights
of details she has arranged are:

   - Accommodation for one night at a breathtaking 7th C Syrian desert
   - A day of volunteering in the highlands of Jordan
   - The world-renown Avner Goren to be your guide in Jerusalem.

No special skills are required just an open mind and an open heart. The
sites are amazing, and the hospitality you will experience will be
unparalleled. Core details regarding trip itinerary and cost are attached.
We will answer all your questions as best we can.

I'll also be on the trip for a few of the days. Come join us, perhaps with a

All best,

Tyler Norris
Executive Director
Abraham Path Initiative
1245 Pearl St #208
Boulder CO 80302 USA
tyler at abrahampath.org


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