[Gocamino] Share your camino experience in Santiago - incl free accommodation

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 04:40:52 PDT 2008

Hi Folks,

My name is Michael, and I've rented some rooms in Santiago de Compostela for
a few weeks this summer. I've got a grant to pay for them, and can provide
them free to folks who are willing to toparticipate in a "retreat" - a three
night gathering for pilgrims to talk about the pilgrimage experience, and
the experience of entering and being at Santiago!

If this sounds like something of interest, please let me know, or, let your
friends who are walking this summer know I'll be here.

This project is a ministry I've developed as part of a docotoral program,
and is rooted in the Christian tradition, but open to folks of any faith
(it's not a recreuiting ministry, just a ministry of providing space for
people to debrief their experience and explore ways to integrate it upon
their return home).

If you have any questions, feel free to email me: holy.lingering at gmail.com.

Michael B


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