[Gocamino] Seattle - Lecture on Medieval Pilgrimage

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 10:35:52 PST 2008

Constantine Christofides, "The Great Medieval
14, 2008 at 5:20 pm | In Events <http://wordpress.com/tag/events/> |
  [image: Date and Time]  Thursday, January 17th, 2008 - 6:00 PM  [image:
Location]  Henry Art Gallery Auditorium

Constantine Christofides (Professor Emeritus, Art) has spent much of his
professional life documenting the pilgrimage roads through France to
Santiago de Compostela in Spain. The lecture will include an overview of his
research over the past thirty years, the new discoveries as a result of the
restoration of monuments in post WWII France (in Normandy, Provence, etc.),
as well as the re-thinking of certain iconographic problems in French
Romanesque art.Upon his retirement from the University of Washington,
Christofides was named distinguished professor of Humanities at the
Institute for American Universities in Aix-en-Provence, France (1997).

He has regularly returned to Seattle to teach at the UW, most recently for
Hellenic Studies (2003), to which he is again contributing a course in 2008.
Professor Christofides is also offering the survey of Medieval and
Renaissance art in Winter Quarter 2008.Sponsored by the School of Art, the
Simpson Center for the Humanities, the University of Washington Press, Art
History, History, French and Italian Studies, Spanish and Portuguese
Studies, and the Henry Art Gallery.Free and open to the public.


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