[Gocamino] [Santiagobis] Re: "pack weight" — a rant

Robert Spenger rspenger at earthlink.net
Fri Aug 15 07:58:09 PDT 2008


You bring up an important point. The DVD, "Within the Way Without,"  
illustrates that very well, with the man from the Netherlands walking  
in winter, the poetess from Japan doing it in the spring, and the  
young woman from Brazil going in the summer.

I have to face that problem this fall. I will be crossing the Pyrenees  
about mid-September, the same as I did in 2003, so I have some idea  
what to expect in Spain, but after the walk, I plan to go to  
Birmingham to compete in the British Indoor Rowing Championships at  
the end of October. (Yes they have Geezer categories, even on up past  
my age into the 90s.) I have no experience with British weather at any  
time of year, but I expect it to be on the cold side and all I will  
have with me will be my camino pack. My schedule is too nebulous at  
this point to try to send stuff there ahead of  time, so I may end up  
spending some of my weak dollars in Brum to dress for the British fall  

By the way, if anyone on these forums has recommendations for getting  
from SdeC to Birmingham, I would like to hear them. Since I can't pin  
down an arrival date in Santiago this early in the game, I will  
probably have to make my arrangements after I get there.

Bob S.

On Aug 14, 2008, at 9:39 PM, Richard Ferguson wrote:

The other problem with "pack weight" is that it should vary with the
season. If you are
going in the summer, your clothing weight should go down, but water
should go up. Spring
and fall should have more clothing, in case it snows or otherwise gets
nasty. Winter
should have a lot more clothing, etc.




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