[Gocamino] [saintjames] Re:Two Sellos per Etapa for a Compostela

HMe347 at aol.com HMe347 at aol.com
Sat Sep 8 07:05:14 PDT 2007

In a message dated 9/8/2007 9:03:29 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
blaroli at aol.com writes:

I, for  one, do not understand why people who find the decisions of those who 
oversee  the Camino objectionable insist on having things their  way.

Questions for Rosina: Who are these "overseers" of the Camino?  (Do  they 
have ownership rights?)
By what authority were they appointed to make these silly rules and  
decisions?  (One seal or two seals?  Really!)
My Answers: Catholic church bureaucrats who fancy that the Camino  belongs to 
them and not to humanity and posterity.  
Self-appointed to make rules and decisions about who is eligible to receive  
a symbolic piece of paper from them substantiating completion of a pilgrimage  
for arcane religious reasons.
Howard Mendes NYC

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