[Gocamino] Somport in late November

claire bangasser grilly at mac.com
Mon Oct 22 06:44:35 PDT 2007

Hi, hi,

I have found a window of about two and a half weeks in late November  
early December. I hope so very much we can walk from Somport to Burgos.
I have found out that a cheap way, strangely enough, is to fly from  
Geneva to Barcelona and then take buses.
One challenge will be to find albergues. Quite a few seem closed.
And then of course, there is the credential. Does someone know if I  
can get a credential in Somport when I get there or should I get one  
I remember several of you have walked from Somport. I went back to  
Jan's e-mails on the subject. I have been warned it will be cold. I  
found somewhere a list of clothes for the cold weather.
Any way, I'd love advice!

Thanks, claire

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