[Gocamino] gocamino is not moderated

David Hough on gocamino camino2003 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Oct 7 22:36:43 PDT 2007

Just in case anybody is confused, the
gocamino at oakapple.net mailing list is not moderated.

No person or group of persons review and 
approve each posting to gocamino, which is what would
happen in a
moderated mailing list, with consequent delay in
publication balanced (perhaps) by an improved
signal-to-noise ratio and unbalanced (often) by
meta-arguments over the decisions of the moderators.

Since at least 90% of the email addressed to
gocamino is spam from non-members that nobody wants
to see, 
like most modern mailing list software, the mailman
software that runs gocamino has a number of automatic
features to prevent spam and
inappropriate postings.      So non-members can't
and long postings and non-text postings aren't
The latter restrictions, besides inhibiting spam,
are for the benefit of those
reading the digest version and those reading over
slow dial up lines that are still common in the
remoter bars along the camino.

Long postings and non-text postings should be 
placed on websites and the URL's posted to the list
instead.     The gocamino library is available for
that purpose but does involve delay for manual 
intervention.   Most ISP's nowadays offer limited
website capabilities for their customers.

More information about the gocamino mailing list
is at http://gocamino.oakapple.net

I operate the unmoderated gocamino mailing list on
behalf of American Pilgrims on the Camino,
in the sense of supporting the same goals.
gocamino at oakapple.net is a successor to
gocamino at pete.uri.edu in the same sense that APC is a
successor to
Friends of the Road to Santiago.   Countless other
camino mailing lists exist; one can find many on

In the
future APC could take over operation of gocamino
or could
introduce moderation if it thought it worthwhile.
But I am not aware of any change planned for the
future.       20 years of internet experience is that
the best policy for responding to
objectionable postings is to ignore them, because 
almost nobody wants to read meta-discussions about
the appropriateness of other postings.

More information about the Gocamino mailing list