[Gocamino] Pamplona Estación de Autobuses

Grant Spangler gaspangler at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 10 11:39:09 PST 2007

Pamplona Estación de Autobuses

I just heard from our man in Pamplona, Javier, that the new Estación de Autobuses has been inaugurated. Here is the article from the Diario de Navarra about the new station.


There is also an interactive flash presentation showing the elevations of the three subterranean levels, the station is built completely underground.


The new station is located very close to the original one that served Pamplona for the last 75 years. Bounded on the north by Avenida del Ejército, on the west by the Ciudadela fortress, on the east by Yanguas y Miranda, and on the south by Plaza de los Fueros.

I have a couple of images to help place this for you. The first is an annotated Google Earth screen shot. Note the previous location of the bus station near the top. The parking lot shown on Google Earth has given way to the new station, with nothing but green grass above. The glass entrance is the only clue there’s anything under the parkland.

Since I can't embed the photos here, click on the parallel post on ElCaminoSantiago.


Buen Camino,


Grant Spangler
GASpangler at hotmail.com

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