[Gocamino] Attitude

Joyce Cheney jcheneyjc at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 25 16:02:36 PDT 2007

Just having returned from walking Pamplona to Santiago, I didn't notice that
pilgrims had bad attitudes at all. Any group, in an aubergue or anywhere
else, is going to have a grumbler or two, but in general I found pilgrims
ranging from very serious to very lighthearted, but with good attitudes.
Some seemed very hard on themselves, believing that to be "real pilgrims"
they had to suffer, such as walking even if they felt terrible, but they
were doing that to themselves, not to others.
People seemed pretty aware that in that environment, one has to be flexible.
"Having a good attitude" doesn't mean putting up with inappropriate
behavior, though, and sometimes a loud person needs a reminder that he/she
is sharing a room with 40 others, or whatever....

As for "tourigrinos," my only complaint is that I don't think it's
appropriate for them to stay in aubergues; not only do they fill the spaces,
but there's no reason that villagers should volunteer their time to clean up
after them, or that municipalities should provide nearly free lodging for
them. How to distinguish, tho? After the obvious (no motorized vehicles)
should it be an honor system? How else? What if someone is an eco-tourist,
walking chiefly to appreciate the outdoors? For some, that is their primary
spiritual connection. Who would draw the line and where?


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