[Gocamino] Air travel tip from an article in current online US NEWS

Marcus Wilder marcuswilder2 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jun 26 20:25:38 PDT 2007

Perhaps not completely in the spirit of the camino, but...

Claim your space. You might not get that empty middle seat right next 
to you, but there are ways to discourage fellow passengers from 
invading your space. "This may be not so nice, but my biggest complaint 
is the individual who throws his or her seat back into my lap so that I 
cannot even move. I discovered that by turning the overhead air nozzle 
as far forward as you can, it blows air on the person's head. Most 
people give me a look but move their seats forward." –Phil Alexander, 
Wadsworth, Ill.

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