[Gocamino] restricted camino in 2009

Ana Young ayoung2001 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 20 17:37:59 PDT 2007

The only thing that really bothers me personally about
the changes is the insistence on being Catholic, given
that during the first large wave of pilgrimage, in the
12th century, all sorts of people became pilgrims.
They certainly didn't have to be Catholic.

Otherwise ... I can well understand the need to
restrict access somewhat. I just wish it didn't have
such a negative effect on pilgrims who save all year
to come from other countries. I can understand the
Canadian group's concerns.

I can't think of any other way pilgrims would be
judged like this by the Church except to check who's a
practicing Catholic or not.

So yes, albergues are meant for pilgrims, but a
millennium ago pilgrims came in all different stripes.


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