[Gocamino] Feet and wine

Jim Greer jbgreer at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 14:50:23 PDT 2007

Re: Romans and wine.

It's been a while* since I last studied Roman history and culture, but
I do recall "Rex Bibendi" as an honorary title given during feasts and
important meals.  The Rex Bibendi set the dilution rules for the wine
served during the meal.

I am curious about your remark regarding the poor as being served less
diluted wine.   I would think that pure wine would be more expensive
to manufacture, but it really depends upon what was mixed with the
wine - water (I assume) or something else.  I'm certain someone else
will chime in and set me straight.

Anyone familiar with similar custom in medieval Spain?

Jim Greer

* 23 years, by my reckoning

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