[Gocamino] Anita

Eileen Prior cnocan at optonline.net
Sun Feb 25 17:16:06 PST 2007

Anita,  Renato is correct about cell phone...you will have ample opportunities to send emails to your family along the way so do not even think about bringing a cell phone, you will just find it a  distraction.  I brought so many things that I thought I would need and by the time I got to the Refugio in Pamplona I repacked and left 1/2 the stuff in the Refugio (i.e.waterpurifier, guide book, nalgene water bottles, pants, shirt, full length poncho, and books that I thought I would read, I even cut my towel in half!!)   Dont worry about all the little details, as long as you have a flight booked, your passport is up to date, you have boots, socks, a backpack, a light sleeping bag and 2 hiking outfits and one fleece jacket  everything will be OK.   Think of all the times you went on a vacation and took lots of clothes because you thought you might need them, and then you never even took out of a suitcase!    Buen Camino    Eileen

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