[Gocamino] Fwd:  A Traveler's Highway to Heaven

Hathor821 at aol.com Hathor821 at aol.com
Sat Dec 8 13:37:24 PST 2007

Joanie, I just returned from abroad so I have not  much of an idea of what is 
happening now with the 'shell' issue....perhaps  someone gave this pilgrim 
the shell....perhaps a nice Spaniard sat in the  Cathedral steps and offered the 
shells that he had painted himself to arriving  Pilgrims, who 
knows....perhaps one day someone will say that there was a Pilgrim  from the USA who gave to 
hospitaleras a real rice pearl necklace with gold beads  and when she was 
asked 'why are you giving me this' this Pilgrim said.....'about  200 were made by 
my Mom 20 years ago before she lost her mind to Alzheimers, so  take it, enjoy 
it, and if you want to give thanks pray for peace in our  planet'...who knows 
what will be said 50 years from now about this  
Pilgrim....legends....stories....who knows.....
I was this Pilgrim.
Coconut Grove (Miami)
* I wear only one pearl necklace at a  time....won't be buried with l99...so 
I made many people real happy....it was my  way to say....thank you!

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