[Gocamino] ps on food

blaroli at aol.com blaroli at aol.com
Tue Aug 7 08:51:43 PDT 2007

I forgot…….

My Andalucian friends tell me that the wine to order is the “house wine”. Tinto (red) or “blanco” white, which will always be excellent and will cost about 10% of bottled wine.

There is something which may shock the purists but does delight many of us. That is “vino de verano” (summer wine) which is a combination of orange juice and red wine…. It is delicious and one may drink glasses and glasses of it without ill effects. I can also be had, upon special order, as “vino blanco de verano” which is white wine and lemonade, I think.


While “churros” are the one thing to have for breakfast, they cannot be readily found since they should be eaten freshly made.   

A nd yes, there is some sort of fish “ham”. It is called “mojama” and is hard and dry, and very popular.  While they may not always be in the menu, you can order “gambas cocidas”, (boiled shrimp), which most of my friends praise and praise.



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