[Gocamino] Yellow Arrow "Dumped"

KF wolverinedg at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 4 13:21:51 PDT 2006

Greetings everyone! From what I gather on the Santiago Today board, where I posted the article from this group, it appears that the "foot" image is either the new logo of the Xunta or the logo of the upcoming Holy Year.  The "foot" image will not be replacing the traditional arrows or shells as signage along the Camino!

Pat Rush <PatRush1 at verizon.net> wrote:
  Dear all--as I understand the history of the modern Camino, it has always
been partially an economic development tool for northern Spain, since the
days of Franco's road building across the north. As a matter of fact,
reading medieval history brings one to understand that even in the 12th and
13th centuries, the Camino was an economic boon to the towns and villages
along the way. And, both then and now, it was understood that way. One
only has to see the work of the junta along the Camino in Galicia to see the
hand of (misguided) marketing specialists at work.

That being said (and I don't begrudge those lovely people who live along the
Camino one penny), it is shocking to me that yet a new overlay of images
seems to be needed to market the Camino, when it is doing just fine with the
yellow arrow and scallop shell. Can you imagine the crowds during the next
Holy Year? The system of housing and feeding pilgrims will collapse; it's
getting close to that now.

I think the various Camino groups should raise a howl of protest at those
bare feet.

Patricia, upstate New York
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Glenn" 
To: "Paul Newfield" ; "Pat Rush"

Cc: ; ;
; ; 
Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2006 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Gocamino] Yellow Arrow "Dumped"

> Pat and all,
> It's not political...it's tourism and money...
> I think it is an attempt to commercialize the Camino as an "economic
> development" project to attract tourists. If the authorities felt a need
> for a change (from whom did they get that idea that there needed to be a
> change???) they should have formed a committee of those intimately
> with the Camino...
> Glenn
> By the way...is this really a "done deal" or would an outcry by the
> Camino organizations cause them to reconsider?

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