[Gocamino] Sleeping Bag in August

Grant Spangler gaspangler at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 1 17:55:05 PST 2006

I have traveled the Continent several times with nothing more than my silk 
sleep sack. I set me back about $60, but has been very durable, light and 
warm. For August you need nothing heavier or warmer. Here's a couple of 
sources for the device ..

* Cocoon Silk Sleep Sack: A Camino summer sleeping bag (178 grams)

* DreamSack: Another Camino summer sleeping bag (178 grams)

Others look on enviously as my sleeping arragemets come out of the pack. A 
mere 6.7 ounces and it takes zero space in the pack. I love it.

Buen Camino,


Grant Spangler
GASpangler at hotmail.com

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