[Gocamino] Re: California missions

Lydia Banales lydia at banales.net
Thu Oct 6 23:31:35 PDT 2005

John Volz wrote:

> Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the California Missions are 
> not all in a row about a day's walk apart unless you are a real power 
> walker.
> For example the report of the San Luis Rey Mission from 1827 gives the 
> distances to the nearest missions as 12 leagues to San Juan Capistrano 
> and 13.5 leagues to San Diego.  A league is about 3.4 miles, so these 
> would be serious days. Some missions are a bit closer but many are 
> further apart.
> Most inter mission travel during the heyday of the Missions (Circa 
> 1780-1830s) was by donkey (burro).
> John Volz
> Santa Rosa Ca
> Docent, Sonoma Mission
> Dear John and all,

Thank you for pointing out the distances between missions. Also, the 
missions were not founded in order from South to North. While Frey 
Junipero Serra was a very holy man concerned for the souls of the native 
people, others were more concerned about the Russian presence above San 
Francisco and wanted Spanish settlements to keep the Russians from going 
South. There is much more to the fascinating history of California. Lydia

> -

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