[Gocamino] (no subject)

Blaroli at aol.com Blaroli at aol.com
Sun Jan 16 11:09:59 PST 2005

Dear Jose,  (Pepe?
Thanks for your kindness.......
Just let anyone try to keep me away from Spain.
I'll be going to Seville for Holy Week in late March. Since Malaga is but a 
skip and a jump away, perhaps we can get together at the "Miami Tavern" in 
Triana which is the seat of the Camino Friends in Sevilla. 
 Its president, who is in his mid-seventies, made the pilgrimage to Santiago 
in September,  all the way from Seville, alone with just the horse he  rode 
and a spare one.  His arrival with the two horses (white, naturally... typical 
Andalucians) was written about in  all the newspapers in Santiago.
Typical of a Sevillian, "de pura cepa",  and from Triana, no less, he is a 
very, very, colorful guy  and an irrepressible Tenorio..
At his  tavern, you get the Via de la Plata lovely credential with your 
choice of wine or beer!.
Until then, then.
Enorme abrazo.

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