[Gocamino] To Rosina

John Paterson nosertap at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 14 08:27:36 PST 2005

Hi Rosina,

I have been  a frequent visitor to GOCAMINO but never
a memeber. However,
I pasted your post onto another board - and got such a
reaction to it that I
realised that I should let you know. (Plus, even
though I said otherwise, people
started asking YOU questions). I then realized that
one: I should ask you before
reprinting your posts. And two, there are also allot
of people who would benefit
from your information, who would like to be in contact
with you.....

Here's the board:


The title of the post is:   "2004 Stats (ie. Rosina)"

Thanks for all of your posts - on behalf of the
"international" community.


John P.
Oregon, USA

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