[Gocamino] 10,000 KM from Jerusalem to Santiago

Grant Spangler gaspangler at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 4 14:17:18 PST 2005

>From ElCorreoGallego:

El madrileño Antonio Fernández camina diez mil kilómetros desde Jerusalén

En Nochevieja, con el tiempo justo para cruzar la Puerta Santa, el madrileño 
Antonio Fernández, de 49 años, culminó en Compostela una peripecia de dos 
años, una larga peregrinación que le llevó a Jerusalén, Roma y por último a 

The madrileño Antonio Fernández walks ten thousand kilometers from Jerusalem

On New Year's Eve, with enough time to cross through the Holy Door, 49 year 
old Antonio Fernández from Madrid, finished in Compostela something that 
took two years, a large pilgrimage which took him through Jerusalem, Rome, 
and finally Santiago.

Now there's some inspiration ....


Grant Spangler
GASpangler at hotmail.com

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