[Gocamino] Pilgrim Poems

Kathy Gower kathygower at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 7 16:30:06 PST 2005

Tony S. on Santiagobis asked for pilgrim poems and I did get them from old 
goCamino posts, so if you aren't properly credited, please speak up:

"Je serai pelerin.

Je marcherai.
Je marcherai sous le soleil trop lourd,
sous le pluie a verse et dans la tourmente.
En marchant, le soleil rechauffera
mon coeur de pierre,
la pluie fera de mes deserts un jardin.
A force d'user mes chaussures,
j'userai mes habitudes.
Je marcherai,
et ma marche sera demarche .
J'irai moins au bout de la route
qu'au bout de moi-meme.
Je serai pelerin.
Je ne partirai pas seulement en voyage;
je deviendrai  moi-meme un voyage,
un pelerinage."

(Une groupe de pélerins québecois)

I will be a pilgrim.
I will walk.
I will walk under the burning sun,
in the pouring rain and in the storm.
Walking, the sun will warm
my heart of stone,
the rain will transform my deserts into a garden.
Through wearing out my shoes
I shall wear away my old habits.
I shall walk.
And my walk will be a beginning.
I will go less in order reach the end of the route
than to reach the end of myself.
I will be a pilgrim.
I will not just depart on a journey,

but I myself will be a journey,

a pilgrimage.
(A group of Québec pilgrims)

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