[Gocamino] Refugio Refurbishing?

Rebekah Scott rebrites at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 29 12:30:08 PDT 2005

It's true, lots of work is done on many refuges during the "down season," but it's hit or miss. Some refugios are run by the town government, some by private owners, others by volunteer groups or parishes. Their care and maintenance are dependent on the dedication and/or resources of those in charge -- and those elements range wide.  
Refugio Gaucelmo in Rabanal del Camino has a "work group" visit in the Fall for big maintenance works and winterizing; another group goes back in SPring to put the place in shape for the opening season. It's true, these places get lots of wear and tear, and in the third week of August it seems like all the plumbing decides to go down at once! 
I don't think I'd plan a pilgrimage around this phenomenon, however. This is a minor irritant, really -- and rare is the refuge that's let go to really nasty or uninhabitable conditions.
The nice thing is, there's almost always a pilgrim or two around to help put things right until the plumber or other expert fix-it person can attend to things properly. 
It's something I enjoyed about hospitalero-ing: If I needed a hand, all I ever had to do was ask, and a dozen were offered -- and at least one pair was quite skilled at the craft most needed. 

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