[Gocamino] camera/gps (gadgetophobes please delete)

Robert Spenger rspenger at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 28 21:29:39 PDT 2005

  Dear Members of camino forums,

Awhile back, some one, on one of these forums, mentioned having a  
problem identifying pilgrimage photos due to a failure to note down  
the time and place. Later it occurred to me that, with digital  
cameras, we no longer need to note our camera settings - those are  
all nicely stored for us along with the digitalized photo. The time  
and date are also recorded - if we have made the effort to set the  
camera's internal calendar and clock properly (which I am prone to  
fail to do).

But why not go one step further? It shouldn't take too much effort  
for some enterprising manufacturer to incorporate a gps in a camera  
so that the coordinates would be stored as well. Perhaps this has  
already been done. Have any of you heard of such a camera?

I have been told that there is a move to include a gps in all cell  
phones for safety considerations (and perhaps surveillance as well -  
grrr). Since many cell phones already include cameras, that may be  
where it will all come together. I am not at all keen on cell phones  
and I doubt that their cameras are worth while, so I would much  
rather see a decent gps/camera combination developed. It would be  
especially helpful in relocating a favorite wilderness scene in my area.

Any comments?


Bob S.

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