[Gocamino] Legendary Hospitalero

James Eyskens jeyskens at austin.rr.com
Wed Apr 27 17:30:16 PDT 2005

The mayor in question is Sr Elizalde of Larraosoana.  Stop and enjoy his
hospitality if at all possible.  Don't forget Tomas at manjarin and his
minimal and eclectic Refugio.  He prays over you if you're feeling
poorly.  He says he is the last Templar called by God to minister to
pilgrims.  He or one of his acolytes will ring a great temple bell as
you come around the path.

Re packs, don't forget the Camino is not a wilderness hike-you can buy
anything you need; clothes, packs, boots shaving kit, when you need
them.  The larger the pack the more likely you are to stuff it full.
I've seen many day packs and the pilgrims seemed quite happy to carry
only a change of clothes and depend on the Refugios to have blankets or
at worse wrap themselves in their fleeces or rain slickers.  I along
with every other 1st time pilgrim tossed and mailed home excess.  Many
of the Refugios have 'grab boxes' where you can leave, exchange clothes
and such.  I've seen everything from sleeping bags to a bicycle?  Always
wondered if the biker continued on foot or went home.  Many pants,
shirts and rain gear was left behind, not to mention books of every
sort, guide books, popular fiction, Coelho etc.  If you want to read
about the evolution of a pilgrim and her pack read Shirley McLaine.

-----Original Message-----
From: gocamino-bounces at oakapple.net
[mailto:gocamino-bounces at oakapple.net] On Behalf Of Stuart Thompson
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:05 PM
To: saintjames at yahoogroups.com; gocamino at oakapple.net
Subject: [Gocamino] Legendary hospitaleros

Stories about legendary hospitaleros are interesting to read.  Many
Camino stories written in the past 20 years mention the late Madame
Debril, the eccentric Ramon, and Jesus Jato.  Also, the mayor of a town
near Pamplona features prominently in at least one Camino story
[Coehlo's, I think].  

Are there any other legendary hospitaleros that come to mind?

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