gocamino update chat

pieter pannevis pieterpannevisagmx.net
Sat Oct 23 22:03:32 PDT 2004

Dear all,

  The santiagobissions had a lovely chat night late night (European time)
with a lot of members (Spain, Denmark, California Cape town, Canada,
France, ) till I called it a day. Several took over
it was fun sharing
thoughts and reminders (Cebreiro) and finding tales of mutual friends!
In all it was such a big success and with the prospect of pins, patches and
badges and an own credential were heading for a new fifth year.

The chat will be there on a two monthly cycle to share photos and info and
just talk

It was great fun and very interesting.

Till later

and thank you all !
on behalf of Michel and me ! (and Trigo)

met een goede groet,


pieter pannevis
duifhuis 58,
3862 jj nijkerk
 the netherlands
tel/fax: + ( 0 ) 33 - 24 60 912
portable: 06-27 235 903
mail: mailto:pieterpannevisagmx.net <mailto:pieterpannevis at gmx.net>
fotolog: http://www.fotolog.net/decarrion <http://www.fotolog.net/decarrion>

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