End of list serve

pieter pannevis pieterpannevisaGMX.NET
Tue Oct 5 00:15:32 PDT 2004

Dear all,
 With mixed feelings I got word that this list is coming to an end.
The list I've been with since the times of Prof Dagenais
Without doubt the list fulfilled a purpose having 333 members ( mainly USA).
And Linda wrote way back a main volume for the English language group on
facts and history of the Camino  As said the Archives contain a wealth of
info acquired by the "travelling one"  as of old.
The recent premature closure of Gocamino indicated the problems connected to
maintain the list in an orderly fashion and i think it's good that one
should pursue other goals in life if and when they arrive. If you have a
dream...follow it ! As a poet once said: A person without dreams is already
dead. I do hope you will be well Linda !

On the other hand let's not be too dramatic about it and let's put it  in
also in the right perspective.
Considering that the Camino the Santiago is in Europe, is not "owned" by
anyone and efforts put forward to help and to uphold the way did already
come from the British, with their wonderful organisation  and  the Alberque
in Rababal, the Italians having their Laffi alberque, the Germans and Swiss
and even the Dutch have 3 alberques.

In numbers the amount of Dutch and even Belgium pilgrims outnumber the USA
pilgrims, and however nice the gesture has been to send money to the
pilgrims office it doesn't mean that it saved the Camino from extinction.
I'm aware of some people who sent in a private way money
Be aware of the fact many projects are under way in Europe  and Spain itself

The setting up of a new organisation American pilgrims on the Camino is a
good beginning, but be assured of the fact that no one owns  the Camino
perhaps better we all own the camino  and perhaps more strict the camino is
Spanish and for and of all ages and we are guests there. As pilgrims we do
not walk in groups according to our nation of origin, but the beautiful mix
of minds, cultures and backgrounds makes this Camino such a special thing. I
do think that that separatism is less  and than joining efforts is more

Getting into alternatives the suggestions made can only be judged by

Santiagobis has 741 members from all over the world, 4 new members last week
, 1 uploaded file and 59 messages the last seven days
St James has 157 members and 10 messages in the last seven days ( is Brazil
based and related to CaminhodeSatiago)
Ultreya has 196 members  and no messages in the last seven days

Wishing you all well, which ever way you're going
May the Road rise with you !

Pieter Pannevis

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