[Gocamino] Statistics

Blaroli at aol.com Blaroli at aol.com
Fri Nov 26 09:36:22 PST 2004

Hello again,
I forgot to mention that by the end of September 185,000 pilgrims had received the Compostela.  The applicable statistics, however, had not been able to be incorporated into the Pilgrims´Office computer system in a usable manner yet.
How many more pilgrims will still come to Santiago it is impossible to tell.  Today, Friday, at 3:00 p.m. the line of people waiting to go through the Holy Door was all around  Quintana Square.  The multitudes have been such that a new door to quintana has been open so that the people may exit after hugging the apostle and going through the Crypt without having to go through the Cathedral itself.
Big hug to you all!

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