why matamoros, at all

claudia castellani claudietta67aHOTMAIL.COM
Tue May 4 02:35:36 PDT 2004

I like your point, Karen.
Thank you, Claudia

>From: Karen Willmus <willmusaRUNESTONE.NET>
>I'm a little surprised in this "Matamoros" discussion on a "Christian" list
>that no one has brought up the obvious:
>Historical references such as the Matamoros, the Crusades, ... you name
>it...are things that we as Christians should point out as examples of how
>sin -- all of us -- no matter what our best intentions are.  Saddam Hussein
>sins, George Bush sins, Muslim fanatics sin, and Americans sin.  That's the
>reason why Jesus died on the cross: to save eac of us from the sin which we
>are incapable of saving ourselves from.  And isn't that the reason for
>pilgrimage: to proceed through a process of recognizing our sins, to
>an act of contrition, and to thank God for sending His Son to save us?
>Take down the statue or leave it up: it will not stop sin.  Only Christ
>be able to do that.
>BTW, Rolf, every story DOES contain a grain of truth -- it's the lies you
>really have to watch out for.  "The devil is in the details."
>Karen Willmus

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