In reply to Sally

Karen Willmus willmusaRUNESTONE.NET
Sat Mar 13 05:21:46 PST 2004

Sally wrote:
"> I am a little surprised to read one message which said that this topic is
> not relevant to this Camino list.  Okay, political spear-jabbing isn't
> fun, but surely this list is about more than boots and internet cafes?"

Yes, I WOULD say this list is about ETA and about thousands of Spanish
protesting violence and about the possiblity of dangers of terrorism to
travelers in Spain as much as keeping your feet dry.  My gosh, pilgrims,
it's not like you're walking through a vacuum.  (But what Northern Ireland
has to do with this discussion, I don't know!)

"> like to think it is a  place where people can support each other when it
> comes to the sort of deep questions that the Madrid terror has brought...
A virtual albergue is surely, ideal for that.  And if a few people
> give a bit of an angry shout sometimes.... well, that's life.   It
> be right (for me at least) if all was sweetness and light here."

But I am surprised that anyone interested in pilgrimages to holy sites can
take such inflamatory shots at each other as some of the other posters have
done.  Indeed, we must be the peaceful ones, and the thoughtful ones,
because pilgrims are searchers, are they not?

"Seek and ye shall find.  Knock and the door shall be opened unto you."

Karen Willmus

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