[Gocamino] Camino CD Rom & Guadalupe

Kathy Gower kathygower at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 12 14:07:23 PST 2004

Wonderful you should mention today, Dec. 12th as the day of the Virgin of 

I woke up at 4 am to go with a friend to Mission Dolores to celebrate Dias 
de Virgen de Guadalupe...

and what a trip it was.  The place was filled to overflowing with the 
faithful, including armies of Mother Theresa's nuns, the Knights of Columbus 
with their plumed hats (must be like the Orders of Santiago), Mariachis and 
all the rest.  In the middle of the mass the Knights accompanied a young 
man, "Juan Diego" who came to the front of the church and opened his cape to 
show the Virgen imprinted there and real pink, white and red rose petals 
fell from the domed roof.  People clapped and yelled Viva!

After the mass hundreds it seemed of the the faithful approached the altar 
and placed their own bouquets of roses and candles for the Virgin.

Afterwards there was hot Mexican chocolate (made with almonds, sugar & 
cocoa) and coffee and spiked piunch (huge bottles of Christian Bros. Brandy) 
and great tamales and pan mexicanos to the seranade of more Mariachis, all 
splendid musicians.

*************************from Rosina:

Today is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patroness of Mexico and
that country's first national flag.  It appears that just as Santiago led 
Spaniards in their victorious battles against the Moors, Our Lady of
Guadeloupe led the Mexicans in their war of independence from the Spaniards.
A very warm abrazo to our Mexican friends,
and a big hug to you all,

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