a simple (stupid?) question

Jeffrey Crawley jt.crawleyaUKONLINE.CO.UK
Fri Aug 20 01:21:30 PDT 2004

"doem" is, of course "dorm" when typed by someone with a band-aid on his left
hand first finger :o)

Quoting Jeffrey Crawley <jt.crawleyaUKONLINE.CO.UK>:

> If you don't know the answer then it isn't a stupid question :o)
> Refugios and albergues (in French auberge) are the same thing though it's a G
> not a Q and are communal though sometimes it gets broken up into boys' and
> girls' doems.
> As an aside, on my first Camino a group of us transmuted from "Los
> Perigrinos" looking for the "Albergue" to form "The Lost Penguins of
> Albuquerque" and still refer to each other as Penguins in our talks
> together.
> Jeffrey

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