Scientific Treatise on the Subject of Honor

Rolf Gunnar Rolfsson rg_rolfssonaYAHOO.DK
Thu Apr 29 12:49:51 PDT 2004


The way Christians see the 'walk' is a story of
bringing downfall at point of honor, and a message
sent out to the provinces: Look to Rome! And see what
the Roman empire does to best amongst us. No country
can survive with nobility suffering shame on the
cross. We do not slaughter the strongest bull nor the
best stallion for the soup pot, nor make bread of all
the seeds, as some will be put aside for future
harvest and natural breeding. When the 'pax' from Rome
is a pretty speech, then watch carefully how 'divide
and rule' interferes by unbalancing the country, while
favouring the collaborators who oppose to the nobles,
so they may fight amongst themselves.

This is the message of the man, who Christians
associate with the Spanish Camino, and the follower of
Christ would be a witness of truth against Roman lies
and corruption.

It is about bringing downfall at point of honor,
because the Roman empire can not survive in the long
run, when shame of innocent blood is on Roman lances,
and Christianity provides that proof, which in time
ended the Roman slavery.

What is the impact today? And who is the saint?

The saint is the one holding natural honor, and
nobility of the eagle feather is shown courage, and
that would be wrestling a grizzly bear... LOL!

The voice of a shaman of Lapland.

Rolf Gunnar Rolfsson

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