CD Rom

Megan Morrow mamorrow1aYAHOO.COM
Tue Oct 21 22:16:53 PDT 2003

I, too, would love to purchase either a CD Rom or DVD (as long as it's USA
compatible...)  Please add me to your list.  Also, please let me know what the
cost will be, and where to send payment.  Thank you so much - for this, and for
all the work you do for the Camino.  I'm sure I speak for many others as well
as myself - you are appreciated.

Megan Morrow
Seattle, WA

>Hello you all,
>The response to the CDRom "La Meta de Santiago", (The goal of th Samino),
>has been so enthusiastic that its producers have decided to release the
>90-minute "virtual" visit also in a DVD disc next March.
>-As mentioned before, European DVDs are not compatible with USA DVD
>and the cost of converting them is about twice the price of the disc.-
>I will bring the 10 or so CDRoms which, so far, you have requested, and
>also find out how they may be ordered directly for those of you who may
>to acquire them later.
>If some of you would prefer to wait for the DVD instead of getting the
>please let me know.

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