Elyn Aviva

Robert Spenger rspengeraUSAMEDIA.TV
Tue Oct 7 09:34:37 PDT 2003


Were you referring to "Following the Milky Way" and subtitled "A
Pilgrimage across Spain?" It was published in 1989 by Iowa State
University Press, ISBN 0-8138-0146-X. (The author's name at the time was
Ellen Feinberg.) It is an account of her pilgrimage in 1982 and is of
particular interest in that it shows what the conditions were like
before the current infrastructure (i.e. refugio system) was built. The
big change came in 1993 with a large infusion of E.U. money.

The second edition, a paperback with a new subtitle, "APilgrimage on the
Camino de Santiago," was published in 2001 by Pilgrims' Process, Inc.,
in Boulder, Colorado, ISBN 0-9710609-0-8. It has the original text,
without the photos and index, but has a new introduction that, among
other items, goes into some of the changes that had occurred in the
ensuing years.

Book criticism is a very personal thing and I can only speak for myself,
but I am pleased to have a copy of each edition - I enjoyed the original
account and was very interested to read what she had to say about the
changes since 1982.

Elyn (née Ellen) has been a member and very active contributor to this


Bob Spenger

Jilek, Glenn wrote:

>Elyn Aviva also had a journal published titled "Walking the Milky Way" I believe.  Has anyone read that?  Is it well done?

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