Monks of Algeria

Ana Young ayoung2001aYAHOO.COM
Sun Nov 9 10:58:48 PST 2003

--- Rosina Lila <BlaroliaAOL.COM> wrote:
> Spanish, of course, kid.
> You'll probably understand it better than I.

Strongly doubt that. But send it anyway, if it's ok.
What an incredible story ...

> .... Is it snowing in Japan?
> I just LUUUUUUVE the snow!

Definitely not and it probably won't where I am. They
said snow doesn't come often to this area and when it
does, it generally snows only in the mountains. They
said it's been warmer these past years. Global
warming, probably ..

This is in a temperate zone and it should snow in
winter. I love it, too, except when I have to drive in

> How are you?

Good. After a frenetic few weeks hanging out with
students on my one day off each week, I spent today
relaxing and organizing my Camino photos and tapes in
preparation for writing - a luxury after so many crazy

More later,
You keep me posted,too ..

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