Listserver Digest

Richard Ferguson peregrinoaATT.NET
Thu May 29 14:58:23 PDT 2003

I subscribe to the digest form myself, and generally prefer it, rather than
get ten messages per day.  I also get the same message twice, once in
plain text and once in sometimes lenghty HTML.  I believe that the
listserver software is not smart enough to parse out the emails to get rid
of the redundant HTML.

I think that if you send an ordinary  message in HTML format, the
message source actually looks just like what we see in the digest, the
plain text followed by the same text in HTML format.  I would personally
prefer if everyone sent their messages in plain text, but I suspect that
most computer users would find it very difficult to figure out how to change
their computer settings so that this was possible.  I generally have my
computer configured to send all messages in plain text.  That said, I have
my GOCAMINO email on a different, web-based system, so I may also be
sending out my emails in HTML format!


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