Technical question re: listserv digest

Norman Bone bone1966aYAHOO.COM
Thu May 29 09:10:54 PDT 2003

The reason you are seeing the HTML code is because list members are
sending HTML email instead of plain text email to the list. I have
asked list members a couple of times to please post in plain text only,
but these requests have been ignored. I know that some other email
lists I am on have a 'filter' of some sort that strips out the HTML.
Maybe the listadmin can look into this? Not that Linda has much free

Norm Bone
Portland, OR

> Hi!
> Can anyone tell me why, when I receive the digest version of the
> emails, that I frequently get two copies of nearly every email?  One
> usually legible, however, the second copy often has HTML (or some
> of) code embedded in the message. I may have a digest that says it's
> number of lines, but it goes on FOREVER and I have to weed through
all the
> gibberish in order to read the messages.
> I don't think it's anyone's "fault", but just wondering how I might
> this on my end, if I can?
> Many thanks,
> Linda
> Pueblo, CO

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