Re sending clothes ahead

Rebekah Scott rebritesaYAHOO.COM
Sun May 25 20:47:13 PDT 2003

I thought of  doing the shipping thing, but I'm glad I didn't. When one of my t-shirts became too nasty to wear, I left it behind and bought another one. The stores along the Way have the same brands and quality available anywhere else; (Leon has a Corte Ingles department store  if you're really picky.)  It was much cheaper and less hassle than all the shipping and shifting. (I could never find a post office open, somehow!)

I think halfway through the Camino most pilgrims have stripped away all the extras, anyway...they are shipping things home from Leon, not vice-versa! I hope the exercise and conditioning makes  your back more strong and limber, which should work together with the ongoing "load-lightening" to lessen the difficulty for you.
Make sure you have a walking stick, too!

Rebekah Scott, journalista
'The more I learn, the less I know.'

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