
George Gaw sagacious45aMSN.COM
Sun Mar 30 09:07:23 PST 2003


When I made the walk the first time I was 66 and in poor condition. It was only after the third week that my body got back in shape. I lived in Switzerland at the time and would walk 6 miles daily to get use to walking even then that didn't help. I also wore 50 lb packback, the contents of which I emptied the third day leaving me with only the essentials. I had to learn "to trust the road" and find ways in which to make it through each day. In the beginning I went one or two days without food. Later on I became smarter and learned to rely more upon my early service training and intuitive judgement to get through the difficult parts. I neither spoke or understood the language, was not always certain that I was going in the right direction and spend mucho time getting back in touch with who I was. The Camino in an inner journey as well as an outward experience. This is not an intellectual exercise, t is a way toward God and as such must be approached with your whole mind, body and soul.

Go the full route. You won't regret it.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: wisdom's aspirant 
  Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 11:56 PM
  Subject: Re: Finisterre

  Oh, thank you. This is most encouraging. I am looking forward to the final walk to the sea.

  I am doing a wimp's walk of the Camino! I had not done anything like this all alone and was unaware of how many people actually do it. So I signed up for a van supported trip run by Linda Frey.We will spend the first 11 days seeing highlights from St Jean to Samos and walk about 100 miles of this total distance. At that point I will leave the group and walk the rest of the way to the sea alone, so as to earn the Compostela and see the  ocean at the end.  When I signed up for this, if I had known what I know now from you good people, I would have simply planned to walk the whole thing alone. But there is always next year. And I know that I will learn a lot from Nancy who seems to have devoted much of her life to a study of the Camino. Although I am 63 I am in top shape, spend 2 hours a day on aerobics and weight training, backpack in the desert mountains, and I know I could walk the Camino with no problem. 

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