carrying me further than there, then back again, all in a stone

Sue Kenney sue.kenneyaSYMPATICO.CA
Tue Mar 18 05:19:37 PST 2003

Martin and pilgrims,

The Mother Superior at the convent in Leon said that everyone has a light
and as pilgrims our light will shine brighter. It is our obligation and duty
to share it with others even though the people at home will attempt to keep
us the way we were before we walked.

My light is yours.

from stoney Floral Park, Canada
Coincidently, my cottage home sits on granite bed rock just at the point
where the Canadian Shield officially begins in the east, ending in the
Rockies on the west coast. One big stone.

Martin Ray wrote:

>       (take a left turn here) This stone thing is lingering for me... I
> know that stones (and bones) carry imprints for a long, long time...and
> they've got organized energy, particularly as crystals, which act as
> frequency transmitters and receivers (look at all this chip technology).
> And I read in an article that our Sue Kenney continues to use them --
> which fascinates me, especially since it's the preferred mode for
> carrying tired pilgrims.  Could you spread some more of your light
> please, Sue?  Thank you all once again,    Martin

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