
jim allen jallen08aTAMPABAY.RR.COM
Fri Jun 27 08:06:42 PDT 2003

I am an elderly Norteamericano who has been self studying Spanish for several years, off an on, mostly a few months before I return to Spain.  I get better each time I return.  It is difficult to determine what phrases or sentences you will definitely need in the real world.  I learned that, "John fell off the couch and broke his head," but never had occasion to use it.  
Here's an attempt at some useful stuff:
Hola       Hello;    por favor   please;    muchas gracias    thank you very much
Buenos Dias   Good day
Dos Cervesas  (very important)(muy importante)  two beers
Quisiera_________ I'd like_______
Quisiera un cuarto para dos personas con baño, por favor.
I'd like a room for two persons, with bath, please.
?Cuanto cuesta?  How much?    Demasiado   too much
Habla mas despacio.  Speak slowly. 

If you learn some infinitives you can place before them:  Quisiera I'd like __to eat, drink, sleep, etc.
Learn poder; to be able.  Puedo .........comprar, pagar, walk, drive, eat, etc.
Podemos, we are able to ............... 
The Pimsleur CDs or tapes are great.
And for every word you learn you have learned two:  I am hot, I am not hot.

Jim Allen, Seminole, Florida

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