questions on return from Santiago

deanna bowling deannabowlingaYAHOO.COM
Tue Jun 24 16:42:35 PDT 2003

Hello again!

I was signed on as "athena" or "Wisdom's Aspirant" before my server rebelled. So here I am on yahoo.

I just completed my marvelous, unspeakably wonderful trek on the French Way. It was incredible, an experience which is burned into my heart. It was so hard to come home, and I cannot  even say why.

I must return, of course. I am wondering (due to the rise in numbers on the Way, a rise which is not going to slow down any time soon) whether anyone on the list has done one of the other ways? I was thinking specifically of the Via Plata or perhaps one of the Portuguese ways. I hear that they are not as "well-developed" as the French Way. What does this mean?  I guess I need to order a Confraternity description of the trails and see for myself!

And, when organizing my pictures, one of my questions is: where was that bicycle monument, the iron one, with the bike angled up, like doing a "wheelie"? I have a nice picture but cannot recall the location.

I went to the Camino partly planning to cry, because I have not had time alone since my parents died six weeks apart from each other. When I entered the trail, I could almost hear my Mother scolding me: What did I mean planning to go on such an adventure and cry about her!  She was indignant! So I had to laugh at myself, and spend time being grateful for her life and Daddy's life, for all they gave me. And the Camino was such a healing time. I cannot put into words what it was to me.

Which reminds me: I ran into a white-haired lady carrying her Mother's ashes (12 pounds!) to Santiago. I met her somewhere before Eunate. Does anyone know anything about her?  It was a heavy burden and I thought of her often.


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