Rock of Brea

Rebekah Scott rebritesaYAHOO.COM
Wed Jun 4 09:29:04 PDT 2003

Reading posts from Crawley and Pederson and Pannevis is so inspiring! Mr. Crawley, If you junk your job in September, I will do the same and go with you! I am SO on the edge of doing that myself, even though I've only just landed new employment. My heart really wants to be along the camino, helping along the pilgrims somehow -- if not being one again myself. The Road continues to beckon, even if it comes with a vow of poverty.

As for the Rock Of Brea, I think the grafitti is as much a part of the place as the trees and skies around it. I'd lay money the thing has decades and layers and generations' worth of signatures and tags and paint on it. Scrubbing it off would be silly at the least; within days, there would be new paint on it. It's human nature, I'm afraid, to want to mark your presence in an important place, so we have grafitti dating back to Phoenecia and ancient Greece. (It beats feeling the compulsion to take the place home with you, a la Lord Elgin.) In a way it confirms the importance of the spot, to the point of spurring "artistic expression" among even less-than aesthetic types.

Rebekah Scott, journalista
'The more I learn, the less I know.'

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