Snoring and earplugs

Richard Ferguson peregrinoaATT.NET
Wed Jul 30 08:14:30 PDT 2003

I was described by a fellow traveler on the Camino as "El Rey de los roncadores"  (The King of
the Snorers).  My long-suffering spouse uses industrial foam earplugs (E-A-R brand), we buy
them 200 pairs at a time, and they work for her. They are rated for 29 db noise reduction, which
is a lot, maybe the difference between the noise in a rock concert versus an office.You roll them
smaller in your hand, put them in your ear, and they expand to fit.  They do have a bit of a shelf
life, dry out over time, more of an issue when you buy 200 pair at a time.  My spouse says she
only uses them for two days, that they become less effective after that.  I only wear them when I
run power tools.

You should try out any earplugs before you go to Spain, to ensure that they really block the
sound, stay in your ear, and are not too uncomfortable.

Fortunately for me, I usually seem to be able to sleep anywhere, in almost any conditions.
Unfortunately, I tend to fall asleep and start snoring before my companions can get to sleep.


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