The Naked Pilgrim

Crawley, Jeffrey jeffrey.crawleyaFABERMAUNSELL.COM
Wed Jul 2 03:36:27 PDT 2003

Hi everyone.

First programme shown last night.

The presenter started off from England (Dover Harbour) in June last year to Paris,

Bumped into two Dutch pilgrims en route - cyclists aged 51 and 50.

Brian Sewell has done the Camino before some 40 years ago.

This time he admits to having to cheat and is using his car due to constraints of time (being unable to schedule in the 7 months needed by a Medieval pilgrim from April to October - presumably a round trip) but will be riding the last 50 miles (80km) into Santiago on horseback. Interestingly he stated that this would entitle a pilgrim to an Indulgence.

There was some background discussion on the reasons for medieval pilgrimages.

He strongly dilikes Sacre Coeur and wishes it could be pulled down and felt sorry for the way Notre Dame had been damaged, restored and (more recently) cleaned up.

Monmartre left him in dispair - the home of world art for so long (and he is an art critic) he felt it had lost its way and the square that would have housed a vegetable market was now filled with pavement cafes and people producing 'dreadful' attempts at art - I'm sure he would disapprove if I described them as artists!

A controversial character he does add colour to his topic and admits that the pilgrimage affected him more than he thought it would.  In which fashion we shall have to wait and see.

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