Being American

robert j toy rjtbetoyaNETSCAPE.NET
Mon Jan 27 22:01:43 PST 2003

To fellow American Peregrinos: I bicycled the camino last fall. It was
the adventure of my lifetime, up to now. In  light of the current global
troubles, allow me to share an objective of any trip I take abroad :
that is to be an ambassador of all that is good about being American and
impress all that I meet that I am proud of what I represent regarding
democratic feelings of all humans. I find it essential that I  tune into
the basic feelings of all I meet regarding the love they have for their
countries. I always sense a feeling from all those I meet  that they
realize America represents that which all people have strived  for since
personal freedom became a possibility. I strive to represent all that
while leaving a shallow footprint. I try to remember that we  got where
we are now because of  the serendipitous and miraculous  convergent
appearances of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Adams, et
al.......................... Pax a tis. Bob Toy
   P.S.  Am again cycling the camino next fall and hope I don't find it
necessary to wear a maple leaf, tho'  I love my neighbors to the north.

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