Traveling During Political Unrest

Lia Laura Puglesi keyl_1336aYAHOO.COM
Fri Jan 24 16:24:03 PST 2003

Dear Teresa:

With questions like this one, I would usually wait and see what other people respond first.

But this time I won't wait. I will make it very short and clear, as much as I can, knowing that it might cause certain annoyance in some members of the group. But what I say come from the bottom of my heart and my best wishes for you and the rest of the members of the board.

I think that there is no better possible time to travel than now. We should show this “folks” that are ruling the world in such a violent, bias, untruthful and extremely selfish manner (and I don’t mean JUST OR MAINLY Sadam Hussein) that we are not prompt to change our lives and plans every single time they decide to go in  an unreasonable war for reasons that are false.

I am very afraid of going abroad, but no more than staying in the USA. I have seen horrible things while here. Things than more people seem to ignore.  It really upsets me when we, the people, in agreement with the fear that the powerful ones allegedly put on us, behave in consequence. That’s what they are looking for! They want us to stop living our lives, they want us to hide in a hole and follow as children all their orders as they “know what is better for us”. Is those the values of a true democratic state?

The incredible technology existing nowadays makes possible for their owners to reach every single point with the intention of doing damage if they want to do so. And really FEW COUNTRIES HAVE THAT TECHNOLOGY. And if someone wants to attack American people they are going to do it without the need of any special technology, as the will of the oppressed sometimes is much more powerful than technology and controls.

If they can attack Europe (and Compostela is in Europe) they can attack America too. (and when I say “America” I mean the whole continent. I am sick of people forgetting that America is a continent no a country) As for me, I am more scared of the “enemies within” than abroad. Sometimes evil herb grows unperceived in or own yard.

I am going to Compostela with my forehead high, and the main reason why I am doing it NOW, beyond my eagerness of culture, experiences and adventure, is an ECUMENICAL ONE, as I am going with a group of friends from different countries, with different ethnical backgrounds, religions and professions. We all know that this is a perilous time, but in a world with nuclear and biological weapons it is PERILOUS EVERYWHERE, despite whatever sense of security or fear that certain groups want to instill on as.

I haven’t seen these friends in a period of 2-5 years and if I am going to be killed or they are going to be killed, I want to make sure to have hugged them at least one more time. I am going to work in the Galician Seashore to clean one of the worst ecological disasters ever, which is nothing but another example of the greed for the same object of adoration that is really causing all this trouble in Middle East.

In the best case scenario, nothing is going to happen and I am always going to regret not having gone to Compostela when it was the Best possible time. Well at least it is the best possible time for ME and I am not expecting anybody else to share this point of view.

Now, I think you should really go and enjoy it without major worries. I personally don’t think that staying at home under such circumstances could make anybody with good sense of reality feel better or safer.

I think that the worse thing American people could do at this point is to isolate themselves even more from the rest of the world and show people around the globe they have reasons to be afraid of foreigners. People around the globe won’t appreciate that, believe me. People around the globe will feel very grateful and confident with those American that in harsh moments show them that they expect the best from them (from the people that you can find on the path, the people that are going to open their doors and their hearts to you along the way) I think that people that are suffering in Galician now, cause of the Prestige spill, because they have lost their sources of food, are going to be happy if you go and show solidarity to them. They’ll think Here there is an American that has suffered and can understand our suffering and is not afraid of coming among us”.  I know how much the fisher families are suffering there. I have friends in Galicia. I also know how much my friends!
 in Argentina and Uruguay and Chile appreciate that, in these hard times these countries are going through, no few Americans (yes, many may be very surprised of it) that are residing and working illegally there, stayed and tried to help somehow. Most of them left at the first “cacerolazo”, leaving even some pregnant girlfriends behind them.

There is not better moment to show Americans good will and desires to be a part of a really civilized world than this one. And I have this idea, maybe a little naïf, that pilgrims to Santiago have to be people with good will and desires, no simple tourists. I like thinking that they (we) go there also to leave something, to give something away, not just to take. I think that confidence and love and support and open minds and hands and hearts (not just to grasp!!), are the best possible goodies we can put in our backpacks. French and Spanish and everybody around the pilgrims, -SPECIALLY IF AT THIS TIME THEY ARE AMERICANS- are going to value it.

Well that’s what I believe. That’s why I am on the way. I hope that if you decide to walk,  you have an unforgettable positive experience… and also those you come across in your trip.


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